Parcel Forwarding Coordinator
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Dear Candidates,
My name is Viktorija, I am HR manager of the Westernmarket company. We are actively developing international company and we are looking for staff. Western market providing virtual address services primarily in Western countries. So we help people to order goods from online shops and marketplaces such as Amazon, Ozon in Eastern Europe. We work in UK, USA, Canada, Dudai, Germany and ets.
We are looking for Home-based Parcel Forwarding Coordinator.
What you will do:
- receive the parcels at home from the marketplaces and online shops such as Amazon, Ozon (delivered by UPS, DCL);
- to take photos and upload them in our system (you will need just your phone for work);
- to send the parcels ahead to the address you will see in the system (you pay nothing, all the payment will be made by the company);
- the parcels are not big, the biggest size of the parcel is the size of laptop, you have some days to send them forward, all the details you will see in the system;
- there will not be anything forbidden or unallowed in the parcels, you receive them directly from the marketplaces;
- our Main coordinator is always in touch with you, the training is provided;
What we expect from you:
- to be able to concentrate;
- to be able to follow instructions;
- honesty and decency;
What we offer:
- we pay 30 dollars for every sent parcel (50-70 parcels are expected per month);
- we pay directly at your banking card;
- we conclude the contract;
- we are always available
Contacts: Viktorija
WhatsApp: +44 7785684695
Our website for scheduling to the interview:
Please, write me by e-mail, WhatsApp, schedule the interview and welcome to the team!
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