воды охладитель для 1kw фиб лазерный резак
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Cooling of 1kw fiber laser cutting equipment is quite easy with the help of the air cooled CWFL-1000 laser water chiller. It is a smart laser water chiller whose temperature stability reaches ± 0.5 ℃. The cwfl-1000 air cooled laser water chiller is designed with high & low temperature control systems, cooling fiber laser source and cutting torch respectively at the same time.
It is manufactured by Guangzhou Teyu Electronic Co., Ltd (also known as S&A chiller), which is a China-based industrial water chiller manufacturer with an annual sales of 70,000 units.
Air Cooled Laser Water Cooler CWFL-1000 Features:
1. optional environmental refrigerant;
2. Accurate temperature control ± 0.5 ℃;
3. The intelligent temperature controller has 2 control modes, applicable to different applications; with various customization and display functions;
4. Double temperature to meet the different needs of the fiber laser and optics device;
5. Multiple power specifications; CE approval; RoHS approval; reach approval;
6. Additional heater and water filter.
The chiller is guaranteed for 2 years.
Россия / Санкт-Петербург /
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