Geologist- Geological exploration. Sampling and processing of samples. Core documentation (ore gold).
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Local geologist: Pilyugina Oksana Anatolyevna. 21.05.1975. Gr Ukraine I have no family problems Ready to work a long term field geologist intelligence. I’m not afraid of difficult conditions. Health is good, morally stable. Ability to work in a team. I cook well. In an emergency, I can provide first aid. I have no bad habits. I can work on a guest visa for a long time. Honesty and decency guarantee. In my face you will find a responsible employee. I will be a reliable assistant in your team. Please write to me at My work experience. Daltsvetmet LLC (Trans-Baikal Territory, Mogochinsky District)
Control of mining operations, removal of the contours of ore bodies. Organization and conduct of RC drilling.
February 2019 - October 2019
9 months
Geologist of the 1st category. Hydraulic fracturing
JSC "Vasilievsky mine".
Geological exploration. Sampling and processing of samples. Core documentation (ore gold).
February 2018 - August 2018
Seven months
Local geologist
LLC UK "UGK" LLC "AS Priisk Drazhny", North-Yenisei
A local geologist at a hydromechanical mining quarry. Exploration and exploitation of placer gold deposits. Sampling and processing of samples, maintaining current documentation.
July 2017 - September 2017
3 months
Polymetal UK "Okhotsk Mining and Geological Company"
Searches, exploration
Documentation of ditches (mechanical driving). Furrow and lithogeochemical sampling Callout of design wells in a quarry, compilation of register of samples, quality control of sampling when drilling exploratory wells by RC method, sampling for geological and technological mapping (SCC)
Exploration Wells. Documentation and testing of core (brown coal).
Higher education
Full-time / Full-time
National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University.
Faculty: Institute of Natural Resources (IPR).
Specialty: Mining engineer-geologist. Direction: Geological survey, prospecting and exploration of solid mineral deposits
Knowledge and skills
Professional skills:
A confident PC user, I have the skills to quickly search for information on the Internet. During the training, I successfully got acquainted and worked with the programs ArcGIS, CorelDraw, Surfer, AutoCAD.
Additional information:
Easy to learn, sociable, purposeful. Always responsibly approach work. I am able to work in a team. Received excellent characteristics from employers during practical training. I have a desire to grow as a specialist and develop my professional skills.
Foreign languages
English - weak, learn fast.
am able to provide medical assistance in case of emergency. I know how to cook perfectly, I have a sense of humor, they will pass all the necessary checks (medical tests, police checks). I look for work as a geologist for a long time with further emigration. I have no family problems.
Эмиграция в Уругвай
Помощь в эмиграции и релокации в Уругвай из России. ПМЖ Уругвая через 2.5 года. Контакты @lusyuy whatsapp...