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Looking for a permanent job, has experience as a carpenter. I am also ready to consider proposals related to this activity. At the moment I am in Russia, considering options for moving to a permanent place of residence.
My name is Oksana. Live in Belarus, in Vitebsk. I want to find my soul mate and looking for a serious relationship. Write me an email (rwife.com@bk.ru) and I'll tell you more about yourself.
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Почему стоит выбрать Уругвай для иммиграции: – Кусок европы в южной америке. Нормальному человеку с...
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Geologist- Geological exploration. Sampling and processing of samples. Core documentation (ore gold).
Local geologist: Pilyugina Oksana Anatolyevna. 21.05.1975. Gr Ukraine I have no family problems Ready to work a long term field geologist intelligence. I’m not afraid of difficult conditions. Health is good, morally stable. Ability to work in a team. I cook well. In an emergency, I can provide first aid. I have no bad habits. I can work on a guest visa for a long time. Honesty and decency guarantee. In my face you will find a responsible employee. I will be a reliable assistant in your team. Please write to me at o.barannik.1906@gmail.com My work experience. Daltsvetmet LLC (Trans-Baikal Territory, Mogochinsky District) Duties: Control of mining operations, removal of the contours of ore... далее