Бесплатные объявления по всему миру

Shalva Пользователи

Все сообщения пользователя
  • Agent   for  China
    28 февраля 2023 в 22:08 | 94 | Китай / Гонконг

    I need the services of an Agent (Representative) in your country with experience in B2B sites. Basically, I need the service of an Agent to find buyers for various products. We sell soybeans, corn, sugar, beans, coal, iron ore from Brazil, sign the success fee! Payment to Agents % for contracts. On a long term basis. From Russia, any raw materials, Diesel fuel, fuel oil, coal, gasoline, any goods, fertilizers UREA46 (Urea). We need from 2 to 7 (seven) Agents in the country.!!! You need the service of maintaining a block in Social and business networks in your country. Submission of ads to B2B ad blocks in the country. Submission of announcements to the press. My WhatSaap +79857748291 email: desar777s@gmail.com

  • Agent   for  China
    28 февраля 2023 в 22:06 | 98 | Китай / Пекин

    I need the services of an Agent (Representative) in your country with experience in B2B sites. Basically, I need the service of an Agent to find buyers for various products. We sell soybeans, corn, sugar, beans, coal, iron ore from Brazil, sign the success fee! Payment to Agents % for contracts. On a long term basis. From Russia, any raw materials, Diesel fuel, fuel oil, coal, gasoline, any goods, fertilizers UREA46 (Urea). We need from 2 to 7 (seven) Agents in the country.!!! You need the service of maintaining a block in Social and business networks in your country. Submission of ads to B2B ad blocks in the country. Submission of announcements to the press. My WhatSaap +79857748291 email: desar777s@gmail.com

  • Agent   for  China
    28 февраля 2023 в 22:00 | 106 | Индонезия / Джимбаран

    I need the services of an Agent (Representative) in your country with experience in B2B sites. Basically, I need the service of an Agent to find buyers for various products. We sell soybeans, corn, sugar, beans, coal, iron ore from Brazil, sign the success fee! Payment to Agents % for contracts. On a long term basis. From Russia, any raw materials, Diesel fuel, fuel oil, coal, gasoline, any goods, fertilizers UREA46 (Urea). We need from 2 to 7 (seven) Agents in the country.!!! You need the service of maintaining a block in Social and business networks in your country. Submission of ads to B2B ad blocks in the country. Submission of announcements to the press. My WhatSaap +79857748291 email: desar777s@gmail.com

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