Бесплатные объявления по всему миру

Rostislav Пользователи

Все сообщения пользователя
  • Barrister, attorney, lawyer, advocate of Ukraine
    20 января 2018 в 15:55 | 392 | ОАЭ / Дубай

    Barrister Rostislav Malimonenko, the member of Ukrainian National BAR Association will help to resolve any legal issues in Ukraine including representation in criminal cases in Ukraine, recovering a debt in Ukraine, divorce in Ukraine, determination of the child's place of residence through the court in Ukraine, division of spouses' property in Ukraine, representation and protection in Ukraine in all disputable cases including criminal, civil, family and corporate disputes, as well as other issues on the territory of Ukraine in the  interest of clients. malimonenko@ukr.net phone +380667371277 +380993090829

  • 20 января 2018 в 15:50 | 332 | Австралия / Сидней

    Barrister Rostislav Malimonenko, the member of Ukrainian National BAR Association will help to resolve any legal issues in Ukraine including representation in criminal cases in Ukraine, recovering a debt in Ukraine, divorce in Ukraine, determination of the child's place of residence through the court in Ukraine, division of spouses' property in Ukraine, representation and protection in Ukraine in all disputable cases including criminal, civil, family and corporate disputes, as well as other issues on the territory of Ukraine in the  interest of clients. malimonenko@ukr.net phone +380667371277 +380993090829

  • Barrister, attorney, lawyer, advocate of Ukraine
    20 января 2018 в 15:47 | 491 | Австралия / Мельбурн

    Barrister Rostislav Malimonenko, the member of Ukrainian National BAR Association will help to US citizens to resolve any legal issues in Ukraine including representation in criminal cases, recovering a debt, divorce, determination of the child's place of residence through the court in Ukraine, division of spouses' property in Ukraine , representation and protection of US citizens in Ukraine in all disputable cases on the territory of Ukraine. malimonenko@ukr.net   phone +380667371277 +380993090829

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