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охладитель воды для сварочного аппарата лазера волокна

25 августа 2020 в 10:56 | 459 | Россия / Санкт-Петербург

охладитель воды для сварочного аппарата лазера волокна

http: //www.teyuchiller. ru

Email: marketing@teyu.com.cn

SKYPE: teyuchiller 


The CWFL-2000 water chiller is specifically designed for cooling 2000W fiber laser welding machine and features a dual temperature control system applicable to cool the QBH connector / optics and fiber laser source at the same time.


As a user-friendly industrial chiller, the CWFL-2000 water chiller is equipped with an easy-to-read water level gauge and universal wheels and is designed with multiple alarm functions.


Ichiller CWFL-2000 specifications:

1. optional environmental refrigerant;

2. Accurate temperature control ± 0.5 ℃;

3. The intelligent temperature controller has 2 control modes, applicable to different applications; with various customization and display functions;

4. Double temperature to meet the different needs of the fiber laser and optics device;

5. With ion adsorption, filtration and test functions, meet the laser performance requirements for fiber devices;

6. Multiple alarm functions: compressor time delay protection, compressor over-current protection, water flow alarm and over high / low temperature alarm;

7. Multiple power specifications; CE approval; RoHS approval; reach approval;

8. Additional heater and water filter.

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